About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The GazetteCanadian authorities arrest Iowa doctor charged with murderWoman gives birth awaiting extraditionLatrobe BulletinLAH Resident Physician Found Murdered At ParkRelatives Shocked By Murder Charge Doc's Ex-Girlfriend Claims PregnancyJudge orders return of doctor to U.S. to face trial in death of former lover Bagby's accused killer, child found deadMurder-suicide ruling announced National PostDiaries reveal a murderer's mindThe Ottawa CitizenNewfoundland doctor accused of killing ex-lover Newfoundland doctor suspect in U.S. killing Newfoundland MD a step closer to facing murder trial in U.S. Pittsburgh Post-GazetteWarrant executed in killing of doctor The Windsor StarMD accused of murder gets bail Dear Zachary
PODCAST EXCERPTShirleyTurnerwasextremelysmartandhadambitionstobecomea doctor.Hertwoolderchildrenwenttolivewiththeirgrandparentsand her youngest stayed with her ex-husband while she chased her dreams. AndrewleftSunnyvale,Californiaonhisjourneytobecomeadoctor andwasattendingMemorialUniversityinNewfoundland.Andrewwas anall-aroundniceguy,someonewhocouldn'tsayno.Andthat attracted Doctor Shirley Turner. AstimewentonAndrewwasn'thappyandtriedtoendit.Hemovedto Pennyslvania.Shirleyflewtovisithimbutcouldn'tchangehismind. AndrewtookShirleytotheairport.Thereheofficiallybrokeupwithher for the last time and put her on a plane back home. Shirleywasfurious.Howdarehe.Andrewdidn'tdecidewhenthey would break up, she would make that decision!
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MURDERER: SHIRLEY TURNERCIRCLE OF DEATHShirleywasincrediblysmartanddriven.Anythingshe wanted,shegot.Shelefttwohusbandsandthree childrenbehindtobecomeadoctor.Shedatedyounger men,butwhentheyrejectedhershesoughttheultimate revenge.
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PODCAST EXCERPTShirleyTurnerwasextremelysmartandhadambitionsto becomeadoctor.Hertwoolderchildrenwenttolivewith theirgrandparentsandheryoungeststayedwithherex-husband while she chased her dreams. AndrewleftSunnyvale,Californiaonhisjourneytobecome adoctorandwasattendingMemorialUniversityin Newfoundland.Andrewwasanall-aroundniceguy, someonewhocouldn'tsayno.AndthatattractedDoctor Shirley Turner. AstimewentonAndrewwasn'thappyandtriedtoendit. HemovedtoPennyslvania.Shirleyflewtovisithimbut couldn'tchangehismind.AndrewtookShirleytothe airport.Thereheofficiallybrokeupwithherforthelast time and put her on a plane back home. Shirleywasfurious.Howdarehe.Andrewdidn'tdecide when they would break up, she would make that decision!
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The GazetteCanadian authorities arrest Iowa doctor charged with murderWoman gives birth awaiting extraditionLatrobe BulletinLAH Resident Physician Found Murdered At ParkRelatives Shocked By Murder Charge Doc's Ex-Girlfriend Claims PregnancyJudge orders return of doctor to U.S. to face trial in death of former lover Bagby's accused killer, child found deadMurder-suicide ruling announced National PostDiaries reveal a murderer's mindThe Ottawa CitizenNewfoundland doctor accused of killing ex-lover Newfoundland doctor suspect in U.S. killing Newfoundland MD a step closer to facing murder trial in U.S. Pittsburgh Post-GazetteWarrant executed in killing of doctor The Windsor StarMD accused of murder gets bail Dear Zachary