About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The CourierArrest made in 1979 killingThe Des Moines RegisterPolice hope new DNA technology will help solve 1979 murder case The GazetteC.R. student, 18, slainRumors fly in nervous C.R. after girl is slain New theory, plea in Martinko case $10,000 Martinko reward Police admit desperation Year after C.R. slaying: No motive or clue 5 years later, mother copies with unsolved killingStruggling to let go, yet hold onMartinko's father dies sure he knew her killerIn Memory: Michelle Martinko Remembering MichelleYoung murder victim helps solve her own cold case nearly 40 years later
PODCAST EXCERPTMichelleMartinkowaseighteenandattendedKennedyHighSchool.She loveddesignandhadplanstogotocollegetobecomeaninterior designer. AtsixteenshewasrollerskatingwithherfriendGailwhenshemet Andy.Ahandsomeyoungmanwhodroveasportscarandlookedolder than his eighteen years with his short dark hair and moustache. ItwasDecember19,1979andthestoreswerebusywithChristmas shoppers.InthecoldwinternightsheparkedbytheJCPennystore. She did some shopping and went from store to store visiting friends. Itwasdarkoutasshewalkedacrosstheparkinglot.Sheopenedthe reardoorandthrewhershoppingbagsontothebackseat,then unlockedthedriver'sdoorandgotbehindthewheel.Shereachedfor the gear shift when all of a sudden the door flew open.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
VICTIM: MICHELLE MARTINKOFOUR DECADES OF DEDICATIONOnacoldDecembernightMichellewentChristmas shopping.ShewasbehindthesteeringwheelwhenJerry rippedopenthecardoor.Michellefoughtforherlife.Her brave actions brought her killer to justice 39 years later.
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PODCAST EXCERPTMichelleMartinkowaseighteenandattendedKennedy HighSchool.Sheloveddesignandhadplanstogoto college to become an interior designer. AtsixteenshewasrollerskatingwithherfriendGailwhen shemetAndy.Ahandsomeyoungmanwhodroveasports carandlookedolderthanhiseighteenyearswithhis short dark hair and moustache. ItwasDecember19,1979andthestoreswerebusywith Christmasshoppers.Inthecoldwinternightsheparkedby theJCPennystore.Shedidsomeshoppingandwentfrom store to store visiting friends. Itwasdarkoutasshewalkedacrosstheparkinglot.She openedthereardoorandthrewhershoppingbagsonto thebackseat,thenunlockedthedriver'sdoorandgot behindthewheel.Shereachedforthegearshiftwhenall of a sudden the door flew open.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The CourierArrest made in 1979 killingThe Des Moines RegisterPolice hope new DNA technology will help solve 1979 murder case The GazetteC.R. student, 18, slainRumors fly in nervous C.R. after girl is slain New theory, plea in Martinko case $10,000 Martinko reward Police admit desperation Year after C.R. slaying: No motive or clue 5 years later, mother copies with unsolved killingStruggling to let go, yet hold onMartinko's father dies sure he knew her killerIn Memory: Michelle Martinko Remembering MichelleYoung murder victim helps solve her own cold case nearly 40 years later