Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20 British Columbia Canada
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode: Daily Sitka Sentinel Juvenile Held in Homicide Authorities Search for Two Seward Escapees Fairbanks Teen-Ager Resentenced in Killing Teen Given Maximum Sentence for Murder

Perotti v. State - Court of Appeals of Alaska

Perotti v. State - Court of Appeals of Alaska

Perotti v. State - Court of Appeals of Alaska

Byran Perotti v. State of Alaska

Letters to Prison

Statement of Byran Perotti in Support of SB114

PODCAST EXCERPT Byran was infatuated with his girlfriend. She had dated Johnny briefly the year before. One day at school she was overheard telling a friend that Johnny had sexually assaulted her when they were on a date. A school official heard the conversation and reported it to police. They questioned her, but she declined to press charges. Around the school the students census was that it wasn't true. But fact or fiction, believed or not, the event provided the catalyst Byran needed to defend his girlfriend's honour. And to do that he needed to exact revenge. The sun set early by 3:00pm. Johnny was at work cooking at the restaurant. When he left after his shift he was met by Byran in the parking lot who was holding a 22. handgun. Byran kidnapped Johnny and forced him in to his car.
VICTIM: JOHNNY JACKSON PRECIOUS TO ME Byran felt Johnny took something that was his, a part of him. That he stolen something precious that couldn't be returned. And he vowed he would get it back by taking something equally precious to Johnny. His life.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20, British Columbia, Canada
VICTIM: JOHNNY JACKSON PRECIOUS TO ME Byran felt Johnny took something that was his, a part of him. That he stolen something precious that couldn't be returned. And he vowed he would get it back by taking something equally precious to Johnny. His life.
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
PODCAST EXCERPT Byran was infatuated with his girlfriend. She had dated Johnny briefly the year before. One day at school she was overheard telling a friend that Johnny had sexually assaulted her when they were on a date. A school official heard the conversation and reported it to police. They questioned her, but she declined to press charges. Around the school the students census was that it wasn't true. But fact or fiction, believed or not, the event provided the catalyst Byran needed to defend his girlfriend's honour. And to do that he needed to exact revenge. The sun set early by 3:00pm. Johnny was at work cooking at the restaurant. When he left after his shift he was met by Byran in the parking lot who was holding a 22. handgun. Byran kidnapped Johnny and forced him in to his car.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode: Daily Sitka Sentinel Juvenile Held in Homicide Authorities Search for Two Seward Escapees Fairbanks Teen-Ager Resentenced in Killing Teen Given Maximum Sentence for Murder

Perotti v. State - Court of Appeals of Alaska

Perotti v. State - Court of Appeals of Alaska

Perotti v. State - Court of Appeals of Alaska

Byran Perotti v. State of Alaska

Letters to Prison

Statement of Byran Perotti in Support of SB114

Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes