Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20 British Columbia Canada
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode: Calgary Herald 'My father's influence and experience was a huge asset' Former Playboy realtor sought in L.A. model's death Error led to Jenkins' TV fame U.S. offers $25,000 for Calgarian's capture The Fresno Bee Reality TV contestant charged with murder. Blood, signs of a struggle found in slain model’s car Fiore's call fed Jenkins' jealousy Eerie details in report by star The Los Angeles Times Police seek man in death of model Search heightens for 'person of interest' Slain model's car found in grocery store lot Alleged killer wrote about jealousy The Province Police continue to hunt for fugitive Death in motel room believed to be suicide International media beset Hope motel Hunt continues for missing Merc - and mystery woman Friends of Murdered Model, Jasmine Fiore, Tell Her Story Ryan Jenkins left a suicide note: Police Millionaire murder Ryan Jernkins - Suicide Details Report: Mystery Woman Who Took Ryan Jenkins to Suicide Motel Revealed
PODCAST EXCERPT Ryan   was   good   looking,   a   snappy   dresser   with   dark   hair.   He   enjoyed   the ladies,   particularly   busty   blondes   and   had   a   tendency   to   fall   hard   and fast in love. Jasmine Fiore had an energy about her, and when she entered a room, her radiance lit it up. She was beautiful on the outside, and also had an inner beauty people admired. Jasmine gushed to Gwen about meeting Ryan, and that he was handsome, charismatic and sexy, but she didn't tell her friend that they'd gotten married. No one knows for sure what happened over the next two hours, but it's thought that while driving Ryan flew in to a rage and attacked Jasmine. Ryan's black SUV and empty boat trailer were spotted at a marina in Blaine, Washington. The car's engine was still warm to the touch. His boat the Night-Ride-Her was gone. They had just missed him!
MURDERER: RYAN JENKINS FROM HOLLYWOOD TO HOPE Jasmine and Ryan sought fame and fortune, she as a model, he as a reality star. When their relationship turned violent she ended up dead and Ryan a wanted man. After nine days on the run he turned up dead in a small town seedy motel.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20, British Columbia, Canada
Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
PODCAST EXCERPT Ryan   was   good   looking,   a   snappy   dresser   with   dark   hair. He   enjoyed   the   ladies,   particularly   busty   blondes   and   had   a tendency to fall hard and fast in love. Jasmine Fiore had an energy about her, and when she entered a room, her radiance lit it up. She was beautiful on the outside, and also had an inner beauty people admired. Jasmine gushed to Gwen about meeting Ryan, and that he was handsome, charismatic and sexy, but she didn't tell her friend that they'd gotten married. No one knows for sure what happened over the next two hours, but it's thought that while driving Ryan flew in to a rage and attacked Jasmine. Ryan's black SUV and empty boat trailer were spotted at a marina in Blaine, Washington. The car's engine was still warm to the touch. His boat the Night-Ride-Her was gone. They had just missed him!
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode: Calgary Herald 'My father's influence and experience was a huge asset' Former Playboy realtor sought in L.A. model's death Error led to Jenkins' TV fame U.S. offers $25,000 for Calgarian's capture The Fresno Bee Reality TV contestant charged with murder. Blood, signs of a struggle found in slain model’s car Fiore's call fed Jenkins' jealousy Eerie details in report by star The Los Angeles Times Police seek man in death of model Search heightens for 'person of interest' Slain model's car found in grocery store lot Alleged killer wrote about jealousy The Province Police continue to hunt for fugitive Death in motel room believed to be suicide International media beset Hope motel Hunt continues for missing Merc - and mystery woman Friends of Murdered Model, Jasmine Fiore, Tell Her Story Ryan Jenkins left a suicide note: Police Millionaire murder Ryan Jernkins - Suicide Details Report: Mystery Woman Who Took Ryan Jenkins to Suicide Motel Revealed
MURDERER: RYAN JENKINS FROM HOLLYWOOD TO HOPE Jasmine and Ryan sought fame and fortune, she as a model, he as a reality star. When their relationship turned violent she ended up dead and Ryan a wanted man. After nine days on the run he turned up dead in a small town seedy motel.
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes