About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Daily PressFather offers reward for daughter’s returnMetallica posts condolences on site Va. Tech student’s memorial is SundaySearch for UVa. student continues Police seek man in missing teen caseMan charged in missing student caseArrest made in U.Va. abduction caseBody found in search for Graham The News LeaderPolice: College student vanished after concert Police: Student disappearance a criminal case Police continue search for Tech student Parents appeal for help in search 500 search for missing Tech student Remains found on Va. farmConfirmed: Remains are those of missing Va. woman Discover of Harrington brings tipsPolice link Va. Tech slaying to unsolved 2005 assault Police alter search based on new video of womanThe Progress-IndexVa. Tech student missing Family of slain student has website 'Person of interest' sought in U.Va. student search Victim testifies Jesse Matthew said, ‘I will kill you if you scream again’Jesse Matthew enters plea in 2005 sex assault, abduction caseJesse Matthew pleads guilty in slayings of college studentsMorgan Harrington Statement of FactsHannah Graham Statement of Facts
PODCAST EXCERPTAssheapproachedthefrontofhertownhouse,outofthedarknessa man'svoicedaskedheraquestion.Shesensedtherewassomethingoff aboutthelargeman.Shecontinuedwalking,pickingupherpace,then heardfootstepsbehindher.Jesse'spowerfularmsliftedherupoffthe ground. ItwasSaturdaynightandMorganwasexcitedtobeattendinga Metallicarockconcertwithherfriends.Shedidn'tendupinthe bathroom,butinsteadwalkedoutadoorthattookheroutside.She triedtogetbackinbutsecurityturnedheraway.Thenextmorninga lacrosseplayerattheuniversityspottedapurseagainstthefence. Inside was Morgan's student ID, bank card and her driver's licence.Hannahstumbledbythepubwhenabouncerspottedherandnoticed shewasimpairedandaskedherifsheneededhelp.Sherepliedthat shewasokandcontinuedon.Butinherimpairedstateshetooka wrongturn.LaterJessepassedHannah,turnedaround,caughtupto her and put his arm around her.
MURDERER: JESSE MATTHEWTHE SANDMANTheywereyoungandcarefree,life wasfun.Untilinthedarkness, separatedfromtheirfriendshe snatchedthem,takingwhathe wantedandsnuffingouttheirlives. Theirbraveryandwilltofightbrought him to justice.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTAssheapproachedthefrontofhertownhouse,outofthe darknessaman'svoicedaskedheraquestion.Shesensed therewassomethingoffaboutthelargeman.She continuedwalking,pickingupherpace,thenheard footstepsbehindher.Jesse'spowerfularmsliftedherup off the ground. ItwasSaturdaynightandMorganwasexcitedtobe attendingaMetallicarockconcertwithherfriends.She didn'tendupinthebathroom,butinsteadwalkedouta doorthattookheroutside.Shetriedtogetbackinbut securityturnedheraway.Thenextmorningalacrosse playerattheuniversityspottedapurseagainstthefence. InsidewasMorgan'sstudentID,bankcardandherdriver's licence.Hannahstumbledbythepubwhenabouncerspottedher andnoticedshewasimpairedandaskedherifsheneeded help.Sherepliedthatshewasokandcontinuedon.Butin herimpairedstateshetookawrongturn.LaterJesse passedHannah,turnedaround,caughtuptoherandput his arm around her.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Daily PressFather offers reward for daughter’s returnMetallica posts condolences on site Va. Tech student’s memorial is SundaySearch for UVa. student continues Police seek man in missing teen caseMan charged in missing student caseArrest made in U.Va. abduction caseBody found in search for Graham The News LeaderPolice: College student vanished after concert Police: Student disappearance a criminal case Police continue search for Tech student Parents appeal for help in search 500 search for missing Tech student Remains found on Va. farmConfirmed: Remains are those of missing Va. woman Discover of Harrington brings tipsPolice link Va. Tech slaying to unsolved 2005 assault Police alter search based on new video of womanThe Progress-IndexVa. Tech student missing Family of slain student has website 'Person of interest' sought in U.Va. student search Victim testifies Jesse Matthew said, ‘I will kill you if you scream again’Jesse Matthew enters plea in 2005 sex assault, abduction caseJesse Matthew pleads guilty in slayings of college studentsMorgan Harrington Statement of FactsHannah Graham Statement of Facts
MURDERER: JESSE MATTHEWTHE SANDMANTheywereyoungandcarefree,lifewasfun.Untilinthe darkness,separatedfromtheirfriendshesnatchedthem, takingwhathewantedandsnuffingouttheirlives.Their bravery and will to fight brought him to justice.