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About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20 British Columbia Canada
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode: The Guardian If it was Jack Feel the heat Jack has no friends Penal poet in court The fatal hunger of a malevolent poet The Los Angeles Times Following a Killing Trail Austrian Still Suspect in 3 Killings Austrian Charged With Killing 3 L.A. Prostitutes Slayer of L. A. Prostitutes Kills Himself in Austrian Prison Cell The Press Democrat Prostitute murders Serial slayer The Sacramento Bee L.A. killings new chapter for Austrian 'prison poet'? Beast with an angelic face. The Austrian started a series of murders 25 years ago in Prague
PODCAST EXCERPT At age 23 Jack murdered for the first time. Consumed with rage against his mother, he marched Margaret Schafer in to the woods and beat her. His mother's face flashed before his eyes, he wrapped Margaret's bra around her neck. It's often debated as to whether serial killers are born or made. Psychiatrists said there was no acute danger of Jack committing further acts of violence as he now got rid of his aggression in his writing. And the Austrian prison governor said they would never find a prisoner so well-prepared for freedom. Jack's autobiography was a best seller and he travelled for books signings and readings. During   his   five   week   stay   in   Los   Angeles   Jack interviewed   prostitutes   for   his   research   and   even   managed   to   get   a ride-along    in    police    patrol    car.    And    once    again,    women    began disappearing.
SERIAL KILLER: JACK UNTERWEGER LIFE IN PURGATORY Meet Jack, a charismatic serial killer. Behind bars he became an acclaimed writer, his fame within the prison walls led to early release. But he had fooled everyone. His killing spree claimed 11 lives and spanned two continents.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20, British Columbia, Canada
Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
PODCAST EXCERPT At age 23 Jack murdered for the first time. Consumed with rage against his mother, he marched Margaret Schafer in to the woods and beat her. His mother's face flashed before his eyes, he wrapped Margaret's bra around her neck. It's often debated as to whether serial killers are born or made. Psychiatrists said there was no acute danger of Jack committing further acts of violence as he now got rid of his aggression in his writing. And the Austrian prison governor said they would never find a prisoner so well-prepared for freedom. Jack's autobiography was a best seller and he travelled for books signings and readings. During   his   five   week   stay   in Los   Angeles   Jack   interviewed   prostitutes   for   his   research and   even   managed   to   get   a   ride-along   in   police   patrol   car. And once again, women began disappearing.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode: The Guardian If it was Jack Feel the heat Jack has no friends Penal poet in court The fatal hunger of a malevolent poet The Los Angeles Times Following a Killing Trail Austrian Still Suspect in 3 Killings Austrian Charged With Killing 3 L.A. Prostitutes Slayer of L. A. Prostitutes Kills Himself in Austrian Prison Cell The Press Democrat Prostitute murders Serial slayer The Sacramento Bee L.A. killings new chapter for Austrian 'prison poet'? Beast with an angelic face. The Austrian started a series of murders 25 years ago in Prague
SERIAL KILLER: JACK UNTERWEGER LIFE IN PURGATORY Meet Jack, a charismatic serial killer. Behind bars he became an acclaimed writer, his fame within the prison walls led to early release. But he had fooled everyone. His killing spree claimed 11 lives and spanned two continents.
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes