About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTKit was a Major in the army. Then he met a widow, Joan Harmon. They married, then Kit discovered that Joan wasn't a widow after all. In fact, her last husband was still alive and they'd never divorced. When he told her he wanted to end their marriage Joan respond, "If you leave me, I will ruin your life, I will ruin your military career. I know how to do it, I'll tell them that you abused me". Joan was charged with bigamy and plead guilty.Kit was facing a court martial and possibly ten years in a military prison. He felt Joan was making good on her threat. He hired a private investigator who interviewed their neighbour Calvin. In an unexpected twist, he advised the investigator that instead of testifying against Kit, he would be testifying against Joan. Two weeks later someone brought a gun to Calvin and Pamela's home.
MURDERER: CHRISTIAN MARTINSTRIPPED OF HIS STRIPESKitwasapilotinthearmyfor30years. ThenhemarriedJoan,supposedlya widow.Whenhefoundoutsheliedhe endedtheirmarriage.Joanvowedto destroyhim.Helosthiscareerand three neighbours wound up dead.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTKit was a Major in the army. Then he met a widow, Joan Harmon. They married, then Kit discovered that Joan wasn't a widow after all. In fact, her last husband was still alive and they'd never divorced. When he told her he wanted to end their marriage Joan respond, "If you leave me, I will ruin your life, I will ruin your military career. I know how to do it, I'll tell them that you abused me". Joan was charged with bigamy and plead guilty.Kit was facing a court martial and possibly ten years in a military prison. He felt Joan was making good on her threat. He hired a private investigator who interviewed their neighbour Calvin. In an unexpected twist, he advised the investigator that instead of testifying against Kit, he would be testifying against Joan. Two weeks later someone brought a gun to Calvin and Pamela's home.
MURDERER: CHRISTIAN MARTINSTRIPPED OF HIS STRIPESKitwasapilotinthearmyfor30years.Thenhemarried Joan,supposedlyawidow.Whenhefoundoutshelied heendedtheirmarriage.Joanvowedtodestroyhim.He lost his career and three neighbours wound up dead.
Less TalkMore True CrimeConcise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes