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About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20 British Columbia Canada
PODCAST EXCERPT Greg   was   left   alone   to   deal   with   the   brunt   of   Catherine's   mood   swings, compulsive   behaviour   and   mental   illness.   His   friends   would   come   over and   hang   out   in   the   basement.   One   of   those,   was   his   childhood   friend Brian. Sometime    during    the    night    Brian,    who    was    intoxicated    broke    into Catherine's    home    by    crawling    through    the    basement    window    and walked in to her bedroom. In   September   Greg's   trial   began.   There   was   no   direct   evidence   linking Greg   to   his   mother's   murder,   but   he   was   found   guilty   of   second-degree murder and sentenced to life. In   1997   DNA   testing   techniques   had   greatly   improved,   and   evidence found   in   Catherine's   bathroom   was   sent   for   testing.   It   was   determined that    the    DNA    on    that    hair    belonged    to    Greg's    friend    Brian.    Police tracked him to Ontario and used an undercover police sting to trap him.
VICTIM: CATHERINE CARROLL FRAMED FOR MURDER Brian watched his friend Greg go to jail for murdering his mother. A murder he committed. He stayed silent for 11 years, and it was only after DNA freed Greg that a police sting finally put Brian behind bars.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20, British Columbia, Canada
Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
PODCAST EXCERPT Greg   was   left   alone   to   deal   with   the   brunt   of   Catherine's mood   swings,   compulsive   behaviour   and   mental   illness.   His friends   would   come   over   and   hang   out   in   the   basement. One of those, was his childhood friend Brian. Sometime    during    the    night    Brian,    who    was    intoxicated broke    into    Catherine's    home    by    crawling    through    the basement window and walked in to her bedroom. In    September    Greg's    trial    began.    There    was    no    direct evidence   linking   Greg   to   his   mother's   murder,   but   he   was found   guilty   of   second-degree   murder   and   sentenced   to life. In   1997   DNA   testing   techniques   had   greatly   improved,   and evidence    found    in    Catherine's    bathroom    was    sent    for testing.    It    was    determined    that    the    DNA    on    that    hair belonged    to    Greg's    friend    Brian.    Police    tracked    him    to Ontario and used an undercover police sting to trap him.
VICTIM: CATHERINE CARROLL FRAMED FOR MURDER Brian watched his friend Greg go to jail for murdering his mother. A murder he committed. He stayed silent for 11 years, and it was only after DNA freed Greg that a police sting finally put Brian behind bars.
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes