About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The TennesseanTBI says 3 sisters have been in Mississippi 2 bodies found during search The Jackson Sun'Extreme danger' for mom, girlsSearch ramps up for missing mom, 3 girlsAuthorities sweep Miss. area where bodies foundMom, 1 daughter deadBain girls didn't eat for days Sister: ‘Now we can go home’ Mayes' body goes unclaimed in Miss. Adam Mayes' body is headed to Tennessee Mayes' wife: Abduction was planned for a year Mayes women face judgeJustice served in Mayes caseThe Daily News-JournalKidnap-slaying suspect now on 10-most wanted list Rescued girl tells sister: 'Now we can go home' Mayes' sister shares family secrets; 'Adam wanted a family'Missing Tennessee Girls Found Alive, Suspected Killer Adam Mayes Shoots Self Dead
PODCAST EXCERPTAdamlikedtospendtimewithGary'sfamily,andimmersedhimselfinto theirfamily.Itwasasiftheyhadbecomethefamilyhewishedhe'd alwayshad.AdambecameaclosefamilyfriendandGarytrustedhim,so much so that he had a key to their homeOvertimeGary'sinfatuationturnedintoanunhealthyobsession.He fixatedontwelveyear-oldAlexandclaimedshewashisnewlove,and that they were going to be together.AdamcameupwithaplantomurdertheBain'sandtheiroldestdaughter,thenabductthetwoyoungerdaughtersandraisethemaspart of his family. He shared his plan with Teresa.Theofficeryelledout"Let'sseeyourhands".Insteadofraisinghis hands,Adamrespondedbypushinghimselfupontohisknees,thenhe pulled a nine millimetre pistol from his waistband.
MURDERER: ADAM MAYESBETRAYED BY A FAMILY FRIENDAdamimmersedhimselfintotheBain family.Itwasasiftheyhadbecome thefamilyhewishedhe'dalwayshad. Butovertimehisinfatuationturnedin toanunhealthyobsessionthatended in betrayal, abduction and murder.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTAdamlikedtospendtimewithGary'sfamily,andimmersed himselfintotheirfamily.Itwasasiftheyhadbecomethe familyhewishedhe'dalwayshad.Adambecameaclose familyfriendandGarytrustedhim,somuchsothathehad a key to their homeOvertimeGary'sinfatuationturnedintoanunhealthy obsession.Hefixatedontwelveyear-oldAlexandclaimed shewashisnewlove,andthattheyweregoingtobe together.AdamcameupwithaplantomurdertheBain'sandtheir oldestdaughter,thenabductthetwoyoungerdaughters andraisethemaspartofhisfamily.Hesharedhisplanwith Teresa.Theofficeryelledout"Let'sseeyourhands".Insteadof raisinghishands,Adamrespondedbypushinghimselfup ontohisknees,thenhepulledaninemillimetrepistolfrom his waistband.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The TennesseanTBI says 3 sisters have been in Mississippi 2 bodies found during search The Jackson Sun'Extreme danger' for mom, girlsSearch ramps up for missing mom, 3 girlsAuthorities sweep Miss. area where bodies foundMom, 1 daughter deadBain girls didn't eat for days Sister: ‘Now we can go home’ Mayes' body goes unclaimed in Miss. Adam Mayes' body is headed to Tennessee Mayes' wife: Abduction was planned for a year Mayes women face judgeJustice served in Mayes caseThe Daily News-JournalKidnap-slaying suspect now on 10-most wanted list Rescued girl tells sister: 'Now we can go home' Mayes' sister shares family secrets; 'Adam wanted a family'Missing Tennessee Girls Found Alive, Suspected Killer Adam Mayes Shoots Self Dead
MURDERER: ADAM MAYESBETRAYED BY A FAMILY FRIENDAdamimmersedhimselfintotheBainfamily.Itwasasif theyhadbecomethefamilyhewishedhe'dalwayshad. Butovertimehisinfatuationturnedintoanunhealthy obsession that ended in betrayal, abduction and murder.