Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20 British Columbia Canada
PODCAST EXCERPT On Cape Breton Island there aren’t many ways to make a living in a small town, the lobster fishermen are up before dawn and head out early while the water is still calm. Phillip became a brazen outlaw, loved by those close to him, and feared by those who weren’t. He snuck out on the water at night after the fishermen set their traps. He’d find a buoy, give the rope a tug, pull up the trap, open the door and remove the lobster. Then to taunt the fisherman he’d lower the trap back down with the door open. Sometimes, he’d cut the rope and watch their traps disappear to the ocean floor. The Twin Maggies headed out before dawn as usual. Then something caught the captain’s eye. He spotted Phillip. The captain ordered a deckhand to put three shells in the gun. What happened next forever divided the town.
VICTIM: PHILLIP BOUDREAU MIDNIGHT SLIDER ADRIFT On a small island in the Atlantic, the locals make their living fishing lobster. But when a petty thief went too far, those he stole from took matters into their own hands. And their actions forever divided a community.
About Murder In 20 Bobbie Stevens is o bsessed with true crime and passionate about writing and story telling and delivers a new and fascinating episode every Wednesday. Tune in, get the concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
Contact Murder in 20, British Columbia, Canada
VICTIM: PHILLIP BOUDREAU MIDNIGHT SLIDER ADRIFT On a small island in the Atlantic, the locals make their living fishing lobster. But when a petty thief went too far, those he stole from took matters into their own hands. And their actions forever divided a community.
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
PODCAST EXCERPT On Cape Breton Island there aren’t many ways to make a living in a small town, the lobster fishermen are up before dawn and head out early while the water is still calm. Phillip became a brazen outlaw, loved by those close to him, and feared by those who weren’t. He snuck out on the water at night after the fishermen set their traps. He’d find a buoy, give the rope a tug, pull up the trap, open the door and remove the lobster. Then to taunt the fisherman he’d lower the trap back down with the door open. Sometimes, he’d cut the rope and watch their traps disappear to the ocean floor. The Twin Maggies headed out before dawn as usual. Then something caught the captain’s eye. He spotted Phillip. The captain ordered a deckhand to put three shells in the gun. What happened next forever divided the town.
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes
Less Talk More True Crime Concise and Complete Episode in 20 Minutes