About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The Fresno BeeFamily of four missing; car foundSoCal man pleads not guiltyin four slayings Suspect in killings owed victim $30kThe Los Angeles TimesOn quiet cul-de-sac, a family vanishesGrisly find deepens mystery Business partner held in killing of McStay familyFamily's accused killer to be tried A legal milestone in a mysterious caseDetective testifies in McStay caseJury hears 2010 police interview in McStay caseJurors in McStay trial visit gravesiteMcStay family murder trial nears endDefense's turn in McStay murder trialGuilty verdict ends the McStay saga but not its mysteryMcStay relatives describe loss in trial’s penalty phaseDeath Penalty in McStay KillingsThe Sacramento BeeSlain family records ordered unsealedSanta Maria TimesFBI joins search for missing family Visalia Times-DeltaYear later, SoCal family's disappearance a mysteryMcStay family murder suspect Charles ‘Chase’ Merritt fires attorneysA final goodbye for the McStay familyMcStay murder mystery: Who is Chase Merritt?
PODCAST EXCERPTButwhatJosephdidn'tknowisthatChasehadalengthycriminalpastgoingbackto1977.Hewassentencedtosixmonthsinjailandthree yearsprobation.Buthefailedtoattendcourtwhenrequiredandhis probationhaddraggedonforyears.Hewasstillonprobationwhenhe beganmanufacturingforJoseph.Healsodidn'tknowisthatChasewas a gambling addict and heavily in debt.Whatisknownisthesomeonepulledoutacartonofeggsandput themonthekitchencounter.Layingnearbywasabanana.Twobowls ofpopcornwereonthesofainthelivingroom.Andatsomepoint Chase arrived at the house.At7:47pmaneighbour'ssurveillancecameracapturedwhatappeared tobetheMcStay'swhiteSUVpassingby.ChasedrovetheirSUVa hundred miles to the desert near Victoriaville. There he dug two graves.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTButwhatJosephdidn'tknowisthatChasehadalengthy criminalpastgoingbackto1977.Hewassentencedtosix monthsinjailandthreeyearsprobation.Buthefailedto attendcourtwhenrequiredandhisprobationhaddragged onforyears.Hewasstillonprobationwhenhebegan manufacturingforJoseph.Healsodidn'tknowisthat Chase was a gambling addict and heavily in debt.Whatisknownisthesomeonepulledoutacartonofeggs andputthemonthekitchencounter.Layingnearbywasa banana.Twobowlsofpopcornwereonthesofainthe living room. And at some point Chase arrived at the house.At7:47pmaneighbour'ssurveillancecameracaptured whatappearedtobetheMcStay'swhiteSUVpassingby. ChasedrovetheirSUVahundredmilestothedesertnear Victoriaville. There he dug two graves.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:The Fresno BeeFamily of four missing; car foundSoCal man pleads not guiltyin four slayings Suspect in killings owed victim $30kThe Los Angeles TimesOn quiet cul-de-sac, a family vanishesGrisly find deepens mystery Business partner held in killing of McStay familyFamily's accused killer to be tried A legal milestone in a mysterious caseDetective testifies in McStay caseJury hears 2010 police interview in McStay caseJurors in McStay trial visit gravesiteMcStay family murder trial nears endDefense's turn in McStay murder trialGuilty verdict ends the McStay saga but not its mysteryMcStay relatives describe loss in trial’s penalty phaseDeath Penalty in McStay KillingsThe Sacramento BeeSlain family records ordered unsealedSanta Maria TimesFBI joins search for missing family Visalia Times-DeltaYear later, SoCal family's disappearance a mysteryMcStay family murder suspect Charles ‘Chase’ Merritt fires attorneysA final goodbye for the McStay familyMcStay murder mystery: Who is Chase Merritt?