About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
A personal message from MI20 host Bobbie Stevens: Calling Vancouver Island home I was immediately immersed in this case, as were family, friends and the residents of the Island. The first shock was that two teenagers from the Island were missing. The second shock was when days later they quickly went from missing to murder suspects. We had no idea at that point the devastation they would cause and the manhunt that would ensue across over three thousand miles. The police were holding the evidence close to their chest, and it wasn’t until after their deaths that the truth came out and the realization sunk in. A year later it’s important to acknowledge that Islanders and Canadians haven’t forgotten Lucas, Chynna and Len. Three lives well lived, that weren’t done living.
PODCAST EXCERPTSheiladrivesherdaughtertotheairport.She'srelaxedaboutChynna's tripasherandLucashavetravelledextensivelythroughSouthAmerica and Bosnia, much more dangerous places to travel than Alaska.Thetwobodiesarefacedownwiththeirhandslooseattheirsides.A number of bullets were found lodged in the bloody dirt beneath themTheteensconsideredthemselvessurvivalists.Theylikedtogointothe woods and play war and are trained in camouflage. Asthegunmanneared,thesamepickuptruckreturnedandbegan slowlyblockinghisexit.AtthatpointKenrealizedthatthisfeelslikean ambush. Near the body was Kam's sim card from his cell phone.
MURDERERS: KAM McLEOD &BRYER SCHMEGELSKYTEENAGE KILLING SPREETwoteenagerswerethoughttobe missingintheremotewildernessof BC.Buttheyhadasecretplan.After 20daystheirtrailofviolencewasfelt around the world.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTSheiladrivesherdaughtertotheairport.She'srelaxed aboutChynna'stripasherandLucashavetravelled extensivelythroughSouthAmericaandBosnia,muchmore dangerous places to travel than Alaska.Thetwobodiesarefacedownwiththeirhandslooseat theirsides.Anumberofbulletswerefoundlodgedinthe bloody dirt beneath themTheteensconsideredthemselvessurvivalists.Theylikedto gointothewoodsandplaywarandaretrainedin camouflage. Asthegunmanneared,thesamepickuptruckreturned andbeganslowlyblockinghisexit.AtthatpointKen realized that this feels like an ambush. Near the body was Kam's sim card from his cell phone.
MURDERERS: KAM McLEOD &BRYER SCHMEGELSKYTEENAGE KILLING SPREETwoteenagerswerethoughttobemissingintheremote wildernessofBC.Buttheyhadasecretplan.After20 days their trail of violence was felt around the world.
A personal message from MI20 host Bobbie Stevens: Calling Vancouver Island home I was immediately immersed in this case, as were family, friends and the residents of the Island. The first shock was that two teenagers from the Island were missing. The second shock was when days later they quickly went from missing to murder suspects. We had no idea at that point the devastation they would cause and the manhunt that would ensue across over three thousand miles. The police were holding the evidence close to their chest, and it wasn’t until after their deaths that the truth came out and the realization sunk in. A year later it’s important to acknowledge that Islanders and Canadians haven’t forgotten Lucas, Chynna and Len. Three lives well lived, that weren’t done living.