About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Citizens' VoiceWoman pleads not guilty in church shooting The Morning CallMan disappears; police wary Missing man's wallet is found in city mailbox Kintnersville man's disappearance still a mysteryBucks woman accused of killing fellow church member out of jealousy'Murdered,' she wrote, Bucks prosecutors say Killing suspect had feelings' for pastorChurch slaying suspect sued over pensionSuit is postponed against suspect in church killing Prosecutor: Jealousy lit fuse for slaying Pastor says he asked Fonder to leave churchBucks County Woman found guilty of killing fellow church member'I did not kill Rhonda Smith'Radar search comes up emptyBucks killer dies as cold case warmsThe Philadelphia InquirerWhere a missing man once lived, sadness lingers Woman shot at church is mourned Defense says church suspect 'different,' not a killer Church victim's wounds detailed Gun linked to murder defendant Court told of Fonder's 33-mile drive Convicted killer Mary Jane Fonder drops appeal
PODCAST EXCERPTFather and daughter had a contentious relationship. Thetwohadthe samepersonalityandtemperamentandbuttedheadsoften.Police broughtinbloodhoundswhotracedhisscentupthedrivewayand down the road a short distance. then it ended.MarydiscoveredthatRhondahadbeenaskedtoserveasreceptionistat thechurch.Marywassurprisedtofindoutnotonlywasshebeingpaid tovolunteer,butthatthechurchhadprovidedherwithfinancialhelp. Maryhadneverbeenofferedhelp.Notthatsheneededit.Butthat wasn'tthepoint.Mary'sjealousyturnedtoanger.Andthatanger turned deadly. Helookeddownandsawa38caliberhandgun.Forensictesting revealedthatthebulletthatkilledRhondacamefromtheguninthe lake.Policeobtainedrecordsthatthemurderweaponwaspurchased by Mary
MURDERER: MARY FONDEREVIL IN THE GARDEN OF EDENMaryspentthefourteenyearsafter herfather'sdisappearanceattending churchinasleepylittletown.Thena newmemberjoinedwhoseemedto getalltheattention.Mary'sjealousy festereduntilitboiledoverinto murder.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTFather and daughter had a contentious relationship. The twohadthesamepersonalityandtemperamentand buttedheadsoften.Policebroughtinbloodhoundswho tracedhisscentupthedrivewayanddowntheroada short distance. then it ended.MarydiscoveredthatRhondahadbeenaskedtoserveas receptionistatthechurch.Marywassurprisedtofindout notonlywasshebeingpaidtovolunteer,butthatthe churchhadprovidedherwithfinancialhelp.Maryhad neverbeenofferedhelp.Notthatsheneededit.Butthat wasn'tthepoint.Mary'sjealousyturnedtoanger.Andthat anger turned deadly. Helookeddownandsawa38caliberhandgun.Forensic testingrevealedthatthebulletthatkilledRhondacame fromtheguninthelake.Policeobtainedrecordsthatthe murder weapon was purchased by Mary
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Citizens' VoiceWoman pleads not guilty in church shooting The Morning CallMan disappears; police wary Missing man's wallet is found in city mailbox Kintnersville man's disappearance still a mysteryBucks woman accused of killing fellow church member out of jealousy'Murdered,' she wrote, Bucks prosecutors say Killing suspect had feelings' for pastorChurch slaying suspect sued over pensionSuit is postponed against suspect in church killing Prosecutor: Jealousy lit fuse for slaying Pastor says he asked Fonder to leave churchBucks County Woman found guilty of killing fellow church member'I did not kill Rhonda Smith'Radar search comes up emptyBucks killer dies as cold case warmsThe Philadelphia InquirerWhere a missing man once lived, sadness lingers Woman shot at church is mourned Defense says church suspect 'different,' not a killer Church victim's wounds detailed Gun linked to murder defendant Court told of Fonder's 33-mile drive Convicted killer Mary Jane Fonder drops appeal
MURDERER: MARY FONDEREVIL IN THE GARDEN OF EDENMaryspentthefourteenyearsafterherfather's disappearanceattendingchurchinasleepylittletown. Thenanewmemberjoinedwhoseemedtogetallthe attention.Mary'sjealousyfestereduntilitboiledoverin to murder.