About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Florida TodayBlack Widow expected to set state precedentThe Miami HeraldLong road to the chair The final moments of a murderer The Pensacola NewsNew Business Licenses - Judias Buenoano8 Men, 4 Women Chosen Jurors in Buenoano Trial Buenoano Got $109,000 From Son's Death Buenoano Case Centers on Money Buenoano Got Money After Husband's Death Jury Won't Hear Evidence Of Past Cases Acquittal Ruling Delayed Buenoano Claims Innocence, Says Edgar in 'Witch Hunt' Jury Recommends Prison In Buenoano Sentencing Mysteries Around Buenoano Piqued Interest of Press, PublicBuenoano mystifies cases' investigators Buenoano Sentencing Is TodayBuenoano Sentence: Life in Prison Verdict Surprised Even Lawyers Pensacola News JournalMan seriously hurt in car explosion No clues in car bombing Police process victim's bombed car for clues Man's fiancee charged with attempted murder Water Mishaps claim 2South Florida Sun SentinelThe Black WidowThe Tampa Tribune'Black widow' among 3 death warrants signed Clark County ProsecutorUnited States District Court - Middle District of FloridaSupreme Court of Florida - Buenoano v. StateFemale Serial KillersAfter a series of insurance fraud schemes — and several poisoned lovers — a southern con artist met her electrifying end
PODCAST EXCERPT1970JameswenttoVietnamandreturnedhomethefollowingyear. Severalmonthslaterhewasexhaustedandweak.Hecheckedhimself in to the hospital. Three days later James was dead. Theydidn'thaveanylifejackets,soinsteadJudywrappedaskibelt aroundMichaelandhelpedhimintothecanoe.Theweightofthe bracespulledMichaelunder.Hislifelessbodylandedonthebottomof the river bed. Johnlefttherestaurant,openedthedriver'sdoor,satintheseatand turnedtheignitionkey.Theheadlightsandtaillightscameon,thena thundering boom. A blast so loud it was heard six blocks away. OnMarch30,1998Judy'sfinalmomentswerequiet.Herbodywiltedin fearastwoguardswalkedherin.Herfacesunkenandbony.Shewas strapped in to the leather restraints on the electric chair.
MURDERER: JUDIAS BUENOANOPOISON FOR PROFITJudywasanurseandserialkillerwho almostgotawaywithit.Poisoningfor profitshemurderedherhusband, boyfriendandson.Thenshebombed hernextvictimandbecamethefirst woman executed in Florida.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPT1970JameswenttoVietnamandreturnedhomethe followingyear.Severalmonthslaterhewasexhaustedand weak.Hecheckedhimselfintothehospital.Threedays later James was dead. Theydidn'thaveanylifejackets,soinsteadJudywrapped askibeltaroundMichaelandhelpedhimintothecanoe. TheweightofthebracespulledMichaelunder.Hislifeless body landed on the bottom of the river bed. Johnlefttherestaurant,openedthedriver'sdoor,satin theseatandturnedtheignitionkey.Theheadlightsand taillightscameon,thenathunderingboom.Ablastso loud it was heard six blocks away. OnMarch30,1998Judy'sfinalmomentswerequiet.Her bodywiltedinfearastwoguardswalkedherin.Herface sunkenandbony.Shewasstrappedintotheleather restraints on the electric chair.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Florida TodayBlack Widow expected to set state precedentThe Miami HeraldLong road to the chair The final moments of a murderer The Pensacola NewsNew Business Licenses - Judias Buenoano8 Men, 4 Women Chosen Jurors in Buenoano Trial Buenoano Got $109,000 From Son's Death Buenoano Case Centers on Money Buenoano Got Money After Husband's Death Jury Won't Hear Evidence Of Past Cases Acquittal Ruling Delayed Buenoano Claims Innocence, Says Edgar in 'Witch Hunt' Jury Recommends Prison In Buenoano Sentencing Mysteries Around Buenoano Piqued Interest of Press, PublicBuenoano mystifies cases' investigators Buenoano Sentencing Is TodayBuenoano Sentence: Life in Prison Verdict Surprised Even Lawyers Pensacola News JournalMan seriously hurt in car explosion No clues in car bombing Police process victim's bombed car for clues Man's fiancee charged with attempted murder Water Mishaps claim 2South Florida Sun SentinelThe Black WidowThe Tampa Tribune'Black widow' among 3 death warrants signed Clark County ProsecutorUnited States District Court - Middle District of FloridaSupreme Court of Florida - Buenoano v. StateFemale Serial KillersAfter a series of insurance fraud schemes — and several poisoned lovers — a southern con artist met her electrifying end
MURDERER: JUDIAS BUENOANOPOISON FOR PROFITJudywasanurseandserialkillerwhoalmostgotaway withit.Poisoningforprofitshemurderedherhusband, boyfriendandson.Thenshebombedhernextvictimand became the first woman executed in Florida.