About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateaboutwritingandstory tellinganddeliversanewandfascinatingepisodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,getthe concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTPaulaGodfreywasayoungbeautifulteenager,blondeandblue-eyed. JohnpickedPaulaupatherhousetodrivehertotheairport.Paula neverarrived.Severaldayslaterherfamilyreceivedaletterpostmarked from Kansas City. SuzettehadbeeninKansasacoupleweeks.Shecalledhermom, excitedlytellinghershewasabouttoleaveonasailingtripwithJohn andhisfather.Butinstead,Johnswungahammerandstruckheron theleftsideofherhead.Suzette'sfamilyreceivedlettersmailedfrom Mexico. Asearchdogledpolicetoanareabesideastorageshed.Undera shadetreeweretwolargeyellowbarrels.Theyrolledthebarrelstoan openspaceandstoodthefirstoneuprightandnoticedasmallbeadof reddish liquid trickling from the lid down the side of the barrel.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Chicago TribuneChicago Boy Scout Leads Troop to Sing for Queen The Daily JournalFifth barrel victim identified St. Joseph News-PressCameron woman's name surfacesThe Kansas City StarFive Murder Charges Filed Against RobinsonBoth states are seeking death penalty Robinson is charged with fraud forgery Robinson Evidence Set for HearingVictim’s mother recalls disappearance Robinson's Wife Tells About BabyOfficials tell of finding documents, bodiesTestimony traces ties of Robinson, womenRobinson encounters recalledTwo witnesses give testimony about relationships Robinsons wife testifies about his alleged affairs Robinson jury sees photos of women found in barrels Testimony links Robinson to belongings of slain womanRobinsons role in adoption is described Robinson's defense is under way'He didn't look dangerous': The truth about serial killer, con man John RobinsonThe Charley Project - Paula GodfreyThe Charley Project - Catherine Clampitt
SERIAL KILLER: JOHN ROBINSONLETTERS FROM DEAR JOHNTheinternetopenedupanewworld forJohn.Heplacedadslookingfor women.Over15yearsheluredeight womentotheirviolentdeaths.Then hesentletterstotheirfamilies pretending they were still alive.
About Murder In 20BobbieStevensisobsessedwithtruecrimeandpassionateabout writingandstorytellinganddeliversanewandfascinating episodeeveryWednesday.Tunein,gettheconciseandcompleteepisode in 20 minutes. Less Talk. More True crime.
PODCAST EXCERPTPaulaGodfreywasayoungbeautifulteenager,blondeand blue-eyed.JohnpickedPaulaupatherhousetodriveher totheairport.Paulaneverarrived.Severaldayslaterher family received a letter postmarked from Kansas City. SuzettehadbeeninKansasacoupleweeks.Shecalledher mom,excitedlytellinghershewasabouttoleaveona sailingtripwithJohnandhisfather.Butinstead,John swungahammerandstruckherontheleftsideofher head. Suzette's family received letters mailed from Mexico. Asearchdogledpolicetoanareabesideastorageshed. Underashadetreeweretwolargeyellowbarrels.They rolledthebarrelstoanopenspaceandstoodthefirstone uprightandnoticedasmallbeadofreddishliquidtrickling from the lid down the side of the barrel.
SERIAL KILLER: JOHN ROBINSONLETTERS FROM DEAR JOHNTheinternetopenedupanewworldforJohn.Heplaced adslookingforwomen.Over15yearsheluredeight womentotheirviolentdeaths.Thenhesentlettersto their families pretending they were still alive.
MI20 wishes to thank and acknowledge the following sources for this episode:Chicago TribuneChicago Boy Scout Leads Troop to Sing for Queen The Daily JournalFifth barrel victim identified St. Joseph News-PressCameron woman's name surfacesThe Kansas City StarFive Murder Charges Filed Against RobinsonBoth states are seeking death penalty Robinson is charged with fraud forgery Robinson Evidence Set for HearingVictim’s mother recalls disappearance Robinson's Wife Tells About BabyOfficials tell of finding documents, bodiesTestimony traces ties of Robinson, womenRobinson encounters recalledTwo witnesses give testimony about relationships Robinsons wife testifies about his alleged affairs Robinson jury sees photos of women found in barrels Testimony links Robinson to belongings of slain womanRobinsons role in adoption is described Robinson's defense is under way'He didn't look dangerous': The truth about serial killer, con man John RobinsonThe Charley Project - Paula GodfreyThe Charley Project - Catherine Clampitt